The JSleeve has two built-in sensors that track the shooting motion of your arm. This allows us to track your shot and gives us data that allows the app to understand your shooting tendencies. There is also a make or miss button in the sleeve that you have to press in order for us to understand if you scored or missed.
Understand The Technology:
we've prepared a detailed breakdown to provide you with a clear understanding of The JSleeve.
Our innovative 'Make or Miss' button requiring a simple tap after each shot. This action allows our algorithm to comprehensively analyze your jump shot and provide you with accurate statistics.
The sensors within The JSleeve establish a connection with our application, ensuring real-time monitoring of your shooting form diligently recording every jump shot providing you with a wealth of tips and insights to elevate your overall basketball game.
Each and every shot taken, as well as every workout completed while using the JSleeve, is securely stored in the JSleeve Cloud.
JSleeve users can challenge their friends and join in friendly competition and skill development by comparing workouts completed, shot percentages, and other crucial metrics.
With real-time, precise data at your fingertips, you can confidently pinpoint areas for improvement, build upon your strengths, and set your players up for success.
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Focus on what counts.
The JSleeve provides you with crucially important data when trying to become a consistent basketball shooter. It is important for you to be able to see these metrics in order to directly improve upon your weaknesses & watch the numbers get better with time of working hard.

Shot Replay
Fatigue While Working
Understand how your form accuracy changes as you become more fatigued. This is crucial information because as athletes, we need to understand exactly how our fatigue affects our performance.

Working/Data Tracking
Understanding Hotspots (testing phase)
Track where you are shooting from. Understandyour hotspots & weaknesses in order to help you get better by capitalizing on your strengths while focusing on your weak points.
King of the Court

Healthy Competition

Shot Count, Accuracy & Field Goal %
Track your shot count, field gold percentage, stamina and accuracy. This helps athletes to understand how their conditioning affects their game, as well as how many shots must have to be taken each workout to see an improvement.
Shot Pointers

Athlete Search Engine
Understanding Hot Shots (testing phase)
Data Tracking Capabilities
Coaches Clipboard (testing phase)
6 Key Benefits Of The JSleeve
We are determined to change the way athletes improve!
By targeting your pain points, The JSleeve is able to accelerate the muscle memory process. Thus, allowing athletes to improve the speed of development.
The JSleeve allows you to track your workouts & urges you to work harder by optimizing your workouts.
Watch the community grow & get better together.
Helps all JSleeve users workout more frequently as well as getting them in shape.
Allows the user to have fun, be stimulated and compete all while getting better and improving their game/confidence
Connect to all mobile devices as well as computers. This allows you to access your data at all times.
By targeting your pain points, The JSleeve is able to accelerate the muscle memory process. Thus, allowing athletes to improve the speed of development.
Helps all JSleeve users workout more frequently as well as getting them in shape.
The JSleeve allows you to track your workouts & urges you to work harder by optimizing your workouts.
Allows the user to have fun, be stimulated and compete all while getting better and improving their game/confidence
Watch the community grow & get better together.
Connect to all mobile devices as well as computers. This allows you to access your data at all times.
Reviews From Professionals...
Over 15,x000 people used and loved The JSleeve. It is currently being talked about all over the world.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
Questions? Look Here!
Can't Find Question? Call Us (757) 204 - 1453 Or Email Us
How does the JSleeve track my shot?
What metrics does The JSleeve track?
Some of the metrics you will be able to track by using the JSleeve are :
- Fatigue
- Accuracy
- Field Goal %
- Shot Speed
- Distance Of Shots Taken
The JSleeve is able to store all of your player performance data in our cloud. This includes things such as distance, accuracy and field goal percentage of every shot you ever take. We also save the date and time of your every workout and all the metrics inside of those. This allows us to focus on your weaknesses in order to make you a better all around basketball player.
What happens if my JSleeve is not working?
If your JSleeve is not working, you can always contact JSleeve customer support. We will make sure to walk you through our hardware resetting protocol. If all else fails, we will honor your warranty and provide you with a replacement sleeve.
How long has The JSleeve been tested for?
This idea seems too good to be true, but it is not. This idea has been in the works for well over 4 years. We have been in the testing phase for the last 2 years and are finally confident enough to release The JSleeve to the public.
Does The JSleeve work?
Yes. The JSleeve has been in a testing phase for the past 4 years. Many professional athletes have utilized the early prototypes of The JSleeve, and we are now ready to launch (Fall 2023).
How does the JSleeve track the distance of my shot?
While using the JSleeve, you must walk around the court you are playing on, and calibrate the sleeve to your surroundings. Label on the application where the basket, foul line and three point line are. This allows for us to understand exactly where you are shooting from, our application calculates everything from there. (testing phase)
How does the JSleeve track makes and misses?
We have installed a make or miss button within the JSleeve. This allows the user to click a button after every shot to decipher whether that shot was a make or miss.
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